Bewertung von Laser-picture GbR

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Laser-picture GbR

Plänitzer Weg 16
16868 Wusterhausen / Dosse
Telefon: 03397914646

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2 Bewertungen

Bewertung vom 09.05.2013

Treatment options for vitgliio are limited at best. The most common treatment given is a topical steroid cream, which may or may not repigment skin. I can not say that i recommend this though. I used it for a little while and saw no improvement in skin tone but it did really damage and thin/weaken my skin. That was several years ago and my skin in that area is still crinkly not good!Another option is a uv light treatment/excimer lasers. Look into the side effects of doing this first though, because they can be even more serious.( The way the uv light therapy works though is that, basically, you have resevoirs of melancytes in the hair follicles. Sometimes, these resevoirs can be stimulated to repigment affected skin. This only works though if the follicles have not been affected.)I have also seen alot of pills that claim to sucessfully treat vitgliio. I am extremely skeptical, however almost to the point that I think I am going to try some just for the hell of it.I am 22 years old and I have had vitgliio since i was about 15 it is getting worse and beginning to progress. So i definitely know that it sucks. if you find anything that works, please let me know, or if you ever want to talk please feel free to messsage me via email.good luck and take care!!

Bewertung vom 19.10.2010

Hat super geklappt bei Laser-picture! Meine Kaufempfehlung...